Spring Break Camp 2023
tsɬimiiye qwɬiiye (Spring Break Overnight Camp) 2023
Spring Break Camp 2023 is in person this year and is being held from March 27th- 31st at the Tribal Hall Reservation (338 Wallace Ave, Coos Bay, OR). Overnight camp is available to 3rd-12th graders of CTCLUSI families, youth of other Tribes, and youth of Tribal Administration Staff. Overnight camp is not being extended to youth under the age of 8 at this time. However, youth ages 5-7 may attend camp during the day from 7:30 am – 5:30 pm and must be accompanied by a parent/guardian.
Transportation for overnight campers is available from 3 locations this year: Tribal Administration in Coos Bay, the Florence Outreach Office, and the Eugene Outreach Office for overnight camp. Daily Transportation for K-2nd graders will not be provided to and from camp.
In order to receive a camp sweatshirt/jacket, campers must sign up by no later than Friday, March 3rd. The final deadline to sign up for camp is Friday, March 17th.
Upon sign up, you and your youth will receive an email confirmation and a list of suggested items to bring to camp. No later than one week before camp, you and your youth will receive a camp agenda via email.
For more information, please contact Jemiah Wassman at (541) 888-1314 or email jwassman@ctclusi.org
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Seeking Qualified Members for the Gaming Operational Review Board (GFORB)
The Board that oversees operations and activity of Three Rivers Casino Resort – Florence and Coos Bay, Oregon
The Confederated Tribes of Coos, Lower Umpqua and Siuslaw Indians are currently seeking qualified members to apply for four (4) positions on the Gaming Facilities Operational Review Board (GFORB). The Board shall consist of five (5) members and shall be appointed by Tribal Council. Terms are four (4) year appointments. Board members must obtain high security gaming license for the Gaming Commission prior to being seated on the Board. Application deadline is March 31, 2023. Please visit www.ctclusi.org for detailed position descriptions and qualifications needed. These positions will receive a stipend.
If you are interested in being considered please submit a cover letter, and a resume to jmcneil@ctclusi.org . Any questions, please reach out to Jeannie McNeil at 541-888-7506.
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Needs Assessment 2022
Tribal Government Programs and Services Needs Assessment 2022
We were requesting feedback from Enrolled CTCLUSI Members.
Our goal is to identify any unmet needs or barriers concerning Tribal Membership. This information will assist various Tribal Government departments to explore future opportunities for programs and services to best serve our people.
Call Jeannie McNeil 541-888-9577 for any questions.
Originally posted on 7/5/2022. Updated 2/8/2023

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CCDF Fiscal Year 2023-2025 New Plan Public Hearing
Please join me via ZOOM, for the CCDF Fiscal Year 2023-2025 New Plan Public Hearing!
Monday, February 6, 2023, from 4p-5p PST.
Please contact Meagan Davenport at 541-888-7509 or mdavenport@ctclusi.org
for any questions prior to the meeting.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 840 6964 6049
Passcode: 606848
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4th Annual Winter Storytelling
geluu, basaq’/hechit’ (winter storytelling!)
Join us for a traditional meal and winter storytelling.
Tribal Hall, Saturday, February 10, 2023
Doors Open 5:00 p.m.
Dinner 5:30 p.m.
Storytelling at 6:30 p.m.
Hosted by the Cultural Coalition
Sponsored by the Oregon Cultural Trust and Coos, Lower Umpqua and Siuslaw Indians

zoom link https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82138336162
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PRC 2023 Application for Health Care Services
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2023 New Years Day Peace Hike
9:30 AM – 1: PM
Picnic Shelter behind the Yachats Commons at 4th-5th Street and Highway 101.
Given the ever-shifting impact of Covid and the absolute need to keep the Peace Hike activities safe, the Yachats Trails Team will continue having the format be a combination of live and virtual experiences. There will be no indoor ceremony but there are a number of ways to manifest and celebrate peace throughout the day, both outdoors and within one’s home or shelter.
The Peace Hike traditionally honors the memory of a blind Native American (Coos) woman named Amanda who was forcibly taken away from her daughter and marched 80 miles with other captives all barefoot through the rocky terrain to the Alsea Sub-agency prison camp in what is now Yachats in 1864.
To truly understand the government sponsored genocidal policies that led to the murder and suffering of the Coos, Lower Umpqua, Siuslaw and Alsea Peoples, watch a video narrated by Patricia Whereat Phillips, Miluk Coos, member of the Confederated Tribes of Coos, Lower Umpqua and Siuslaw Indians (CTCLUSI) and Donald Slyter, Chief of the CTCLUSI. www.youtube.com/watch?v=N6D-wkqXGy0
Cedar is a sacred tree for many tribes of the Pacific Northwest. On January 1, anyone interested in exploring Cedar in prayers is invited to take a Cedar sprig from a basket outside the Commons at the Picnic Shelter or at the Bears’ Statue on the Amanda Trail. From there they can take the sprig and walk with it holding their vision of peace and what it means in one’s life.
On New Year’s Day (weather dependent) this year’s Yachats Trails Committee has composed a map of alternative trails that allow everyone to hike or walk where they are most comfortable in addition to those who want to hike to the Amanda Gathering Area. Committee members will be on hand to answer questions and provide maps and guidance at the Lions Picnic Shelter behind the Yachats Commons.
There will be two small ceremonial fires in which to place the Cedar sprigs – one near the picnic shelter and one at the Amanda Gathering Area for those who hike the Amanda Trail.
9:30AM – The Yachats Community Drum will be available, and drumming will start at the picnic shelter.
10 AM. Fire will be lit, and the ceremony will begin in part led by Tribal members including the telling of the Amanda story.
10:30 – Participants will walk with their cedar sprig on the trail they have chosen, return to the fire where they will place the Cedar sprig, to add their prayers or visions for the new year.
For those hiking to the Amanda Gathering Area, which is 2.2 miles south from the Commons, there will be several options to park to lessen that distance.
12 PM – There will be a ceremony conducted by Tribal members at the Amanda Gathering area and a fire to which to lay one’s Cedar sprig.
1:00PM – There will be closing of the fires at both locations.
Water, energy bars and delicious cookies prepared and generously donated by the Yachats Ladies Club will be available at the Picnic Shelter and the Amanda Gathering Area.
All participants will be given Peace hike buttons.
This year’s Peace Hike button has been beautifully created by artist Loren Dickinson and Bette Perman.
If you have hiked or celebrated peace throughout the day, both outdoors and at home or shelter and were unable to participate directly, you may pick up peace hike buttons at the Yachats Chamber of Commerce Visitor’s Center located at 2nd Street and Highway 101.
The Yachats Trails Committee wishes you peace and good fortune during this time of many celebrations and in the year to come.
It is through the Tribes’ and community endeavors with the Amanda and Ya’Xaik Trails that many people have become aware of the need to acknowledge the wrongs of the past and to be more conscious of the need to treat people of all cultures throughout the world with honor, dignity and respect.

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Three Rivers Foundation Grant Cycle Now Open
visit ThreeRiversFoundation.org for more information and to file a grant application
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Winter Solstice Celebration 2022
Join us for an all day celebration at Tribal Hall in Coos Bay, Oregon.
December 20th: Women’s Sweat at 5:30 p.m.
Ceremonial Fire at midnight
December 21st: Festivities begin at 8:30 a.m.
Storytelling from 3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. via zoom
Dinner at 5:30 p.m.
Sweat and Lamtl’am tournament to follow
Please RSVP for dinner at 1-888-365-7155

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Harvest Shellfish? Take Survey for Chance to Win $50!
Contributed by
Taylor Dodrill, Portland State University and South Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve
Janet Niessner, Environmental Scientist, CTCLUSI
Do you harvest shellfish recreationally? Are you 18 or older? Please take our 10-minute survey for a chance to win a $50 gift card to a local business.
This survey is a part of a study being done by a Portland State University graduate student in collaboration with the Confederated Tribes of Coos, Lower Umpqua, and Siuslaw Department of Culture and Natural Resources, the South Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve, and the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. The purpose of this study is to understand how shellfish harvesters view their risk of shellfish poisoning caused by harmful algal blooms (HABs), and to understand their preferences for management of fisheries during harmful algal blooms. The results will be used to develop a report that may be published in a scientific journal and to provide guidance to local managers on making coastal communities more resilient to harmful algal blooms.
To learn about HABs and the health risks associated, go to EPA.gov/cyanohabs. For any questions regarding this project and survey please contact Taylor Dodrill at tdodrill@pdx.edu.
All survey answers are anonymous, and the combined results will be made public after all survey data have been analyzed. We plan to use this information to improve safety information provided to shellfish harvesters.
You can find the survey at: https://forms.office.com/g/M3Ja7apBsR

Original post date: August 10, 2022
- Published in Public Notices, Tribal Event, Tribal News