Applications and Family Tree Forms for Enrollment are available here on this website.
Membership requirements: All persons living whose names are listed on the Public Domain Census Roll of January 1, 1940, prepared by the Grand Ronde-Siletz Agency, Bureau of Indian Affairs; or who is a lineal descendant of a public domain allottee of Western Oregon who was a member of the Coos, Lower Umpqua or Siuslaw Indians; or who is a lineal descendant of a Coos, Lower Umpqua or Siuslaw Indian on the Census Roll of 1940, or any other roll prepared by the Department of Interior prior to the adoption date of our Constitution on May 23, 1987.
You will be asked to submit the following with your application:
- Certified Copy of Birth Certificate
- Copy of Marriage Certificate
- Copy of Social Security Card
- Family Tree form
- Copy of Guardianship or Custody Document if applicable
- And/or any other documents supporting birth and genealogical information
DNA testing is also required as a part of the application process.
The Enrollment Committee meets four (4) times a year in February, May, August and November to review and approve completed applications. After review and approval of the applicants’ the names are published in the Tribal Newsletter , the following month, for the required thirty (30) days. Following publication the applicants’ names are presented to the Tribal Council for final approval at the next Regular Council Meeting. When final approval for membership is granted, the new member will be notified and a Tribal membership number will be assigned. You will then be eligible to receive an official Tribal Enrollment Card with your photo.
Tribal Identification cards are available with members photo printed on them. These cards have the Tribes information and also your name, address and enrollment number. If you wish to request a new card, please email that request to and attach a current photo. You must include your current contact information in the email so you may be reached to verify your information.
Chapter 7-1 Enrollment Code: The Enrollment code was last updated on May 2016. This code governs the requirement for membership, how to apply for membership, and protest procedures for enrollment.
Enrollment Application: If you are interested in applying for membership, please fill out this form. To apply you must meet the qualifications as laid out in Tribal Code Section 7-1-32. A list of required documents is located in Tribal Code Section 7-1-33
Family Tree From: This form is used to show your Coos / Lower Umpqua / Siuslaw lineal descendants. This form needs to be submitted when you submit an Enrollment Application.
Change of Address Form: Have you recently moved and changed address? Please fill out this form and submit it to the Enrollment Department.
Name Change Form: Has your name been legally changed due to adoption, marriage, divorce, or other reasons? Please fill out a name change form and submit to the enrollment department to update your information.
Request for New Tribal Photo I.D. If you need a new, updated Tribal Photo I.D. please fill out the request form below and submit to the enrollment department.
Tribal Identification cards are available with members photo printed on them. These cards have the Tribes information and also your name, address and enrollment number.
If you wish to request a new card, please email that request to and attach a current photo. You must include your current contact information in the email so you may be reached to verify your information.
Burial Benefit Fund The Tribe recognizes the special financial burden families suffer at the time of a family member's death and desire to provide some assistance to families with the cost of funerals.
Those eligible for the Tribal Burial Benefit: Any deceased enrolled member of the Tribes, and any deceased legal spouse of an enrolled member of the Tribes residing in the same household of the enrolled member at the time of death.
The Tribe understands that accessing this benefit comes during a difficult time. Contact the Enrollment Department to assist you in the process of applying for the Burial Benefit Fund
Burial Benefit Form coming soon