The Department of Culture and Natural Resources (CNR) of Confederated Tribes of Coos Lower Umpqua and Siuslaw hosted an educational workshop 9/26/23 to provide information regarding potential issues and impacts of the decision making by BOEM. BOEM is a U.S. Government Agency that is proposing the development of renewable energy from offshore wind. the CNR department provided information on how you can participate in person at the upcoming public comment opportunities, as well as offering your own public comments in writing for submission. Contact us for more information.
Below is a template letter that Tribal Membership can use to summit public comments. To submit comments please visit the following websites…
Recording of public meeting held at the CTCLUSI Community Center on 9/26/23 coming soon.
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CTCLUSI and ODFW Agreement Signing Event
Tribal Council held an event on Wednesday, September 20, 2023 at 2:00 p.m. PST for the Historic Cooperative Management Agreement Signing between the Tribe and ODFW. This agreement Affirms Rights of Members to Hunt, Fish, Trap and Gather Under Tribal Licenses.
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August Heat Wave
Confidence is very high ( 90% chance ) a heat wave will impact locations west of the Cascades next week. The heat wave is anticipated to last around 5 to 6 days.
The heat will pose a high threat of heat related illness for those without effective cooling or adequate hydration during red days. Lightning threat increases towards next week in northern California.
A strong and somewhat unusual heat wave, 1 in 2 year event , will move over the region between Sunday and Thursday(8/17) next week. The threat of heat related illness is highest between Tuesday and Wednesday when there is about a 15% – 25% chance of high temperatures exceeding 110 degrees in Medford, Oregon. In addition, this will be the
3rd and 4th day of the heat event. The risk of heat related illness is higher towards the middle and end of the event. In addition, there is a 15% chance of thunderstorms within 25 miles of any location in northern California next week. For the latest forecast updates, visit weather.gov/Medford.

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LIHEAP Draft Plan Review and Comment Period
Comment Period is Now Closed. ***Updated 9/5/23
Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program
Seeking input from the CTCLUSI Community! Energy Assistance is an important program for Low-Income CTLCUSI Tribal Households on, or near the reservation, or within the State of Oregon. Every year low-income households genuinely need assistance with their heating and cooling needs and CTCLUSI annually posts a Draft version of the Energy Assistance Program Plan and is required to seek input from Tribal Members. Starting in August 2023 the draft plan will be available on the CTCLUSI Tribal Website at www.ctclusi.org and will be available until September 30, 2023. Paper copies of Energy Assistance Program will also be located in the reception area at Tribal Admin located at 1245 Fulton Avenue, Coos Bay, OR 97420 as well as our Florence Outreach Office located at 3757 Highway 101, Florence, OR 97439 and our Eugene Outreach Office located at 135 Silver Lane, Suite 200, Eugene, OR 97404. Please feel free to review this draft plan, ask any questions, or provide any comments you might have directly to CarolAnn Young, CTCLUSI Social Services Worker at cyoung@ctclusi.org or 541-435-7159. Thank you!
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Constitutional Amendments General Council – Questionnaire
Public Meeting for Tribal Members July 18th 5pm-7pm via Zoom
Constitutional Amendments General Council – Questionnaire
Please participate in the questionnaire and attend the Public Meeting July 18th held via zoom 5:00pm – 7:00 pm
(A Zoom link will be posted the day of the meeting)

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FOR Three Separate Positions (6 Month Contract)
Consulting Specialist – Early Learning through Remote LearningConsulting Specialist Learning to Build Out Head Start Program
Lead Consultant Specialist for Implementation of the OTELA GrantCONFEDERATED TRIBES OF COOS, LOWER UMPQUA & SIUSLAW INDIANS
Due Date: extended to July 20, 2023 5 p.m.The Request bidding documents are available at https://qcpi.questcdn.com/cdn/posting/?group=8011689&provider=8011689&projType=all and/or www.QuestCDN.com.
Reference Quest Number(s) 8576673, 8578495, or 8578497.To be considered a plan holder, register with QuestCDN.com for a free Regular membership and download the documents for a cost of $5.00.
Downloading the documents and becoming a plan holder is recommended as plan holder’s receive automatic notice of addenda, other contract document updates and access to vBid, online bidding via QuestCDN. Interested parties my view the bidding documents at no cost prior to deciding to become a plan holder. Contact QuestCDN Customer Support at 952-233-1632 or Support@QuestCDN.com for assistance in membership registration, downloading digital bidding documents and vBid questions.To access the electronic bid form, download the bidding documents and click the ‘Online Bid’ button or Online Bidding ‘Available’ button on the bid posting page.
After the bid close, bidders will be charged a fee of $15.00 for successful bid submissionBids will ONLY be received and accepted through vBid via QuestCDN.com.
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Salmon Ceremony 2023
2023 Annual Salmon Ceremony will be held on
Sunday, August 6th
Begins at 11:00am
Lunch at 12:00 noon
Location: Gregory Point/Chiefs Island Lighthouse
Shuttle transport only to the site from Coos Head
Come and enjoy family and friends!
Raffle Prizes – Smoked Salmon – Dance and Songs – Honoring our Veterans- T-Shirts-Fry Bread
RSVP Needed please call 1-541-435-7155
Saturday, August 5th – Breakfast with Tribal Council
Tribal Council will be cooking a variety of breakfast items for the Tribal membership and their families
9:00am – 11:00am
Location: Community Center
338 Wallace Ave Coos Bay, OR
Dry Camping for RV/Tents-please call
RSVP Needed please call 1-541-435-7155
Questions? Contact Meagan Davenport 541-888-7509

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CTCLUSI Makes Historic Agreement with ODFW
Affirms Rights of Members to Hunt, Fish, Trap and Gather Under Tribal Licenses
CTCLUSI Tribal Government, Coos Bay, Ore.-
On Friday, June 16, the Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission at its meeting in Newport unanimously approved a co-management agreement with the Tribes that provides for Tribal management of hunting, fishing, trapping, and gathering under tribal regulations. Chairman Brad Kneaper and Ramil Beers provided testimony in support of the agreement explaining the significance of hunting, fishing, trapping, and gathering to the Tribes and the importance of the agreement.
The Agreement calls for annual meetings between Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife staff and representatives from the Tribes to discuss opportunities for cooperation on fish and wildlife projects, as well as discussing specific harvest issues. The Agreement covers the Tribes’ five county service area. The Agreement recognizes that regulations for subsistence and ceremonial harvest of fish and wildlife resources, including the issuance of tags, seasons, and equipment will be specifically set by the
“I grew up in a hunting and fishing family and have memories of going out with my grandfather, said Chairman Kneaper during the meeting. “Being able to do that under the umbrella of Tribal responsibility is extremely important to me and I know it’s the same for other members, too.”
Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission Meeting June 16, 2023 Photos by Bob Swingle, ODFW

Chairman Kneaper, alongside CTCLUSI Counsel Rick Eichstaedt, and ODFW Davia Palmeria made a presentation and statements starting at 0:49 seconds into the start of the video. Chairman Kneaper gives his statement beginning at the 2:24 mark.
Siuslaw Tribal member Ramil Beers (as seen on the cover page image) made an address beginning at the 33:08 and ending at the 35:36 mark of the recording.
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Request for Proposal (RFP) for Copiers – Replacement and Maintenance Contract
Copiers – Replacement and Maintenance Contract
Due Date: July 14, 2023 5 p.m.
The Request bidding documents are available at https://qcpi.questcdn.com/cdn/posting/?group=8011689&provider=8011689&projType=all and/or www.QuestCDN.com.
Reference Quest Number 8563296.
To be considered a plan holder, register with QuestCDN.com for a free Regular membership and download the documents for a cost of $5.00.
Downloading the documents and becoming a plan holder is recommended as plan holder’s receive automatic notice of addenda, other contract document updates and access to vBid, online bidding via QuestCDN. Interested parties my view the bidding documents at no cost prior to deciding to become a plan holder. Contact QuestCDN Customer Support at 952-233-1632 or Support@QuestCDN.com for assistance in membership registration, downloading digital bidding documents and vBid questions.
To access the electronic bid form, download the bidding documents and click the ‘Online Bid’ button or Online Bidding ‘Available’ button on the bid posting page.
After the bid close, bidders will be charged a fee of $15.00 for successful bid submission
Bids will ONLY be received and accepted through vBid via QuestCDN.com.
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Tribal Student Programming at OIMB
June 22nd (youth 5-10 years)
June 23rd (older youth)
Bastendorff Beach
Join us for a morning at the beach to learn about tides, sand, and what lives in/on the sand. Be prepared to do some digging!
July 5th (youth 5-10)
July 7th (older youth)
Cape Arago
Join us for an exploration of South Cove during low tide. Learn about algae and many animals that live in tide pools.
August 3rd (youth 5-10 years)
August 4th (older youth)
Charleston Marina & Pt Adams
We’ll do a beach seign to look at what lives in the water just off the beach. Then we’ll go on the docks where we’ll examine what calls the docks home. We will also do a plankton tow and put a hydrophone in the water.
All Sessions are from 9 Am-Noon
If you have any questions, Please contact Brandy Lauby at blauby@ctclusi.org or Jemiah Wassman at jwassman@ctclusi.org
*August sessions are included in Summer School Programming.

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