Student Summer Internships Cancelled
Due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, CTCLUSI Summer Student Internships have been canceled this year. We hope to provide internship opportunities in the future but at this time our Tribal communities health is our top priority. Please stay safe and continue to practice CDC recommended safety guidelines concerning the coronavirus.
- Published in Public Notices, Tribal News
Health Survey (5-County Service Area)
Survey has closed as of February 17, 2021.
The CTCLUSI Health & Family Support Services division is conducting a survey of enrolled Tribal members ages 18 and older who are living in the five (5) Oregon counties of Coos, Curry, Douglas, Lane, and Lincoln. The purpose of the survey is to assess the needs of Tribal members and their families for services related to healthcare, oral health, behavioral and mental health services, drug and alcohol prevention services, and other individual and family support services and programs. The information gathered in this survey will be kept confidential and no individual data will be shared. This information will help us in planning for current and future services offered to enrolled Tribal members living in the service delivery area. Survey participants who reside in the 5- County Service Area will receive a $25 Amazon or Fred Meyer gift card. Please select which gift card you prefer.
Fill out the survey by clicking the link below. Thank you for your participation.
For more information or assistance filling out the survey please contact Tara Vrell at (541) 435-7154 or email
Survey has closed as of February 17, 2021.
- Published in Public Notices, Tribal News
Tribal Youth Needs Assessment
Education should be accessible, community led, guided and driven. We are working hard as the new Education Department team to create and implement programming that is culturally relevant and accessible to all Tribal members. Please take the opportunity to fill out the needs assessment to help guide future programming and identify needs of our students and families.
The Tribal Youth Needs assessment can be accessed on the main CTCLUSI Website or at
The Deadline to Complete the needs assessment is January 29, 2021 All enrolled Tribal Children ages 0-17 will receive a $30 incentive gift card to either Amazon or Walmart, whichever is selected on the form. Please make sure to provide a current mailing address.
If you need help filling out the assessment contact Eriq Acosta, Education Specialist II at 541-888-1315 or
- Published in Public Notices, Tribal News
Tribal Covid-19 Emergency Assistance Application/Deadline Passed
The deadline to apply has passed (December 29, 2020 @ 5:00 p.m. PST)
The COVID-19 Emergency Assistance Program is designed to provide economic assistance to enrolled Tribal members who have experienced financial hardships due to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Funding of this program is in accordance with the federal CARES Act Relief Fund and is non-taxable as a Tribal general welfare assistance program. Please refer to CTCLUSI’s Tribal Member COVID-19 Emergency Assistance Program Plan for details on eligibility and use of this assistance, and/or the Application Instruction Form. APPLICATION DEADLINE: December 29, 2020 by 5:00pm, PT (Pacific Time). DISTRIBUTIONS: Beginning on or about December 16, 2020. Approved applications will be processed in the order they are received until the funding deadline.
- Published in Public Notices, Tribal News
Strategic Energy Plan Survey
Participants will be entered into a drawing.
CTCLUSI is conducting a Strategic Energy Plan survey from Tribal Family Members (Age 18+) to gather information that will guide the development of long term Vision and Goals with regard to CTCLUSI’s energy future. The plan is made possible by support from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL). Kindly respond to the following questions to the best of your ability.
Please print, fill out, and return surveys to Mark Petrie, Tribal Council Vice-Chair at or to Roselynn Lwenya, Ph.D Natural Resources Director at
- Published in Public Notices, Tribal News
Distance Learning Gift Cards & Food Assistance for Families
CTCLUSI has received ONE-TIME additional funding related to the COVID-19 pandemic to provide $50 distance learning supply gift cards to CTCLUSI enrolled K-12 students and $150 food assistance gift cards for each CTCLUSI enrolled adult 18 + with an additional $50 food gift card for each CTLCLUSI enrolled child listed on the food assistance application form.
The deadline to apply for distance learning supply and food assistance is Monday, November 30, 2020
To apply for the distance learning supply gift cards and the food gift cards visit and select Distance Learning Education Assistance Form and Food Assistance Application Form. Gift cards will be mailed out as forms are processed.
If you are unable to complete the forms online, please contact CarolAnn Young @ 541-435-7159 for assistance.
If you have questions regarding the distance learning educational supply cards please contact Josh Davies, Education Director @ 541-888-1314. If you have questions regarding the food assistance gift cards please contact
CarolAnn Young, Behavioral Health Care Coordinator @ 541-435-7159.
These services are provided by CTCLUSI Health and Family Support Services & Education Departments and are funded by the Oregon Health Authority Tribal Mental Health Investment CARES Act funding.

- Published in Public Notices, Tribal News
Notice of Code Amendment
Chapter 1-15 Executive Management
The Tribal Council has determined amendments are needed for Chapter 1-’15 Executive Management; and The Tribal Council wishes to amend CLUSITC Chapter 1-15 to: revise references to the “Tribal Administrator” to “Chief Executive Officer”; include reference to promotion and encouragement of a culturally inclusive workplace environment consistent with the Tribe’s core values; promotion of cooperation between departments and programs; and expands the conflict of interest section to include domestic partners and roommates; and Tribal Council hereby approves the amendment of Chapter 1-15 Executive Management Code, as set out in the attached Exhibit A hereto, and hereby approves such draft for first reading and posting for a twenty-eight (28) day period.
The notice of the proposed amendment/ creation of Code/Ordinance shall be published in the Tribal Newsletter and the text will be posted for public comment for twenty-eight (28) days in the Administration Building, Tribal Hall, Outreach Offices, on the Tribes’ website and at Three Rivers Casino (Office of the Gaming Commission). Written comments should be sent to the Tribal Council in care of Jeannie McNeil, CTCLUSI, 1245 Fulton Avenue, Coos Bay OR 97420 or email:
- Published in Public Notices, Tribal Event