Tribal Council Election – Results 2022
Each Council member shall be elected for a four (4) year term at the appropriate General Council meeting in the year of the expired term. Council Positions #1, #3, and #5 shall be elected in odd-numbered years. Positions #2, #4 and #6 shall be elected in even-numbered years.
Tribal Code 7-3-23 Candidate Eligibility
According to the Tribal Constitution (Article VIII, Section 4(a)), in order to be eligible for election to a Tribal Council position, candidates shall meet the following qualifications:
(a) Be a duly enrolled member of the Confederated Tribes;
(b) Be at least twenty-one (21) years of age; and
(c) Never have been previously removed from office for good cause after the date the Tribal Constitution was ratified. (May 23, 1987).
7-3-24 Candidacy Procedures (a) Statements of Candidacy (1) Candidates shall file Statements of Candidacy no later than thirty (30) days before the scheduled date of the election. CLUSI Const. Art.VIII, Section 4(c). (2) Statements of Candidacy must be filed with the Election Board either by mail, hand delivered to the Tribal Administrative offices, or delivered to the Election Board Chairperson. In order to verify timeliness of filing, a candidate may request a statement of receipt of said Statement of Candidacy from whoever receives the statement. The statement shall state, at a minimum, the name of the person accepting the statement, name, roll number and signature of the person presenting the statement, and date and time of the transaction.
(3) Each candidate shall indicate the position for which he or she is filing. Once a person has filed for a position, he or she will not be allowed to change positions or to withdraw and refile for the same election.
For a complete Election Code please see Tribal Code, Ch 7-3 Elections.
Tribal Council Election Results – April 10, 2022

Candidates for Tribal Election, April 10, 2022.
Position # 2 | Position # 4 | Position # 6 |
Brad Kneaper – submitted 1/10/2022 | Teresa Spangler – submitted 1/10/2022 | Michael Romine – submitted 1/10/2022 |
David Petrie – submitted 1/14/2022 | Joshua Davies – submitted 1/14/2022 | Doug Barrett – submitted 1/14/2022 |
Debbie Bossley – submitted 1/14/2022 | Vicki Faciane – submitted 3/2/2022 | |
Candidates who have submitted a Position Statement will have their names appear below in a teal button. Click the buttons below to open and read candidate statements.
Tribal Council Election Forum Recording
A Tribal Council Election Forum was held on March 12, 2022. View the recorded zoom session below to hear candidates responses to questions from Tribal membership.
The contents of this recorded video of the Tribal Council Candidate Forum contain the opinions of each Tribal Council Candidate. The Tribe as a whole, including the Election Board, take no responsibility nor endorse opinions on any statements within, including the accuracy of any content made by the Candidates. Some information has been omitted that had direct reference to personnel.
The contents of this recorded video of the Tribal Council Candidate Forum contain the opinions of each Tribal Council Candidate. The Tribe as a whole, including the Election Board, take no responsibility nor endorse opinions on any statements within, including the accuracy of any content made by the Candidates. Some information has been omitted that had direct reference to personnel.
Candidate Forum Video time stamps:
Election Forum 4:39:23
Opening Statements
David Petrie – 5:57
Doug Barrett – 9:07
Debbie Bossley – 10:55
Josh Davies – 13:21
Teresa Spangler – 14:54
Vicki Faciane – 17:39
Michael Romine – 19:55
Brad Kneaper – 21.27
- Kip Brainard – 28:33 – “…what are your positions on double dipping?”
- Bill Ingersoll – 36:30 – “…please line out how you plan to work together to exercise, to bring in additional revenue outside of just our casinos in the next four years.”
- Morgan Gaines – 50:30 – “…what is your personal view on the matter of Council compensation…what specific guidelines or policies have been put in place to ensure transparency and/or what guidelines would you like to see put in place?”
- Colin Benson – 1:07:33 – “…Do you have any ideas on how to increase Tribal member engagement, especially from Tribal members who live outside of Coos County and even outside of the state?”
- Dennis Rankin – 1:25:13 – “…do you support the development and expansion of the Three Rivers Hotel and Casino, including an RV park, solar power, and other opportunities?”
- Charlotte Kennedy – 1:36:04– “…I was wondering if anybody had any plans to revitalize and protect our local ecosystem, our waterways…I wonder what direction and ideas you have to revitalize our ecosystem?”
- Devynne Krossman – 1:58:04 – “…how do each of you feel about Tribal Council engaging with Tribal administration staff daily?”
- Amanda Craig – 2:09:58 – “…considering our communities history with devastating infectious diseases and the reality that Covid-19 isn’t going anywhere, leaving your personal beliefs aside, how do you feel we should proceed with Tribal gatherings and events in a way to protect our most vulnerable people?”
- Courtney Krossman – 2:25:36 – “…how will you as an elected member of Council manage any potential conflict of interest that might arise through your decision making on Council. Be that through your job at Tribal admin, casino, or the private sector?”
- Kip Brainard – 2:36:58 – “…now that we’re going to pay the Council positions, do you believe that this has a stand to make a lifetime job…or that our ancestors would prefer to have say a term limit…?”
- Roseanna Perry – 2:52:19 – “…what is your stance on purchasing housing for Tribal members versus non-tribal members, example to hire staff, directors, and admin?”
- Ayuthea LaPier (question posted in chat and read aloud by Mark Petrie) – 3:09:00 – “…I would like to know [from] each of you what your intentions are for our recent purchased lands and what opportunities you see there for Tribal members.”
- Morgan Gaines – 3:24:27 – “…how do you plan to support remaining employees or ensure the retention of…employees and how do you plan to minimize the disruption of the services to membership because of the number of employees that we’ve lost since June of 2020?”
- Dennis Rankin – 3:43:03 – “…how important do you feel the cultural history and education is for the Tribal membership and the future?”
- Bill Ingersoll – 3:57:15 – “…I’d like to know how you plan on supporting Blue Earth going forward.”
Closing Statements
Vicki Faciane – 4:13:09
Josh Davies – 4:15:11
David Petrie – 4:17:04
Michael Romine – 4:19:23
Brad Kneaper – 4:25:14
Debbie Bossley – 4:27:31
Doug Barrett – 4:29:51
Teresa Spangler – 4:31:58
CTCLUSI Enrollment Code 7-3
7-3-50 Initiation of a Political Mailing Submission
(a) An individual Tribal Member may initiate the process for a Political Mailing Submission by completing, in full, a Request for Political Mailing Form provided by the Enrollment Coordinator. This Form shall require a copy of the information to be mailed and the signature of the Political Mailing Author. The Political Mailing Author shall also be required to execute a Hold Harmless and Indemnification Agreement releasing the Tribe and its actors and agents from any and all damages or claims relating to the Political Mailing Submission.
(b) A Political Mailing Submission shall not be considered for processing if it does not contain the printed full name and signature of the Political Mailing Author.
(c) The Enrollment Coordinator may request, upon receipt of a completed Political Mailing Submission, assurance from the Political Mailing Author that the Author has sufficient basis to pay all necessary postage, prior to the Enrollment Coordinator beginning the process for review of the Political Mailing Submission.
(d) Political Mailing Submissions shall be approved if the Tribes determines, in its discretion, that the Submission relates directly and exclusively to Tribal political or policy issues, contains no inflammatory language or message, contains no profanity or name calling, contains no potentially abusive or libelous communication, contains no commercial message, and otherwise complies with this Code and Tribal law. To the extent a Political Mailing Submission contains, in whole or part, any improper content as defined herein, the Submission shall be returned to the Political Mailing Author.
(e) The Tribal Council reserves the right to review and reject any mailing for failure to comply with the provisions of this Section, or for previous abuse of the provisions of this Section.
(f) Upon approval of a Political Mailing Submission, the Political Mailing Author shall be responsible for submitting to the Enrollment Coordinator the proper number of envelopes for all authorized Political Mailing recipients, the proper postage for each Political Mailing envelope, and the proper number of copies of the Political Mailing. No Political Mailing will be processed until all proper envelopes, postage, and content copies have first been submitted to the Tribes.
(g) The Enrollment Coordinator will facilitate the mailing of political materials to Tribal Members as follows:
(1) The Tribal Member requesting the mailing of political materials to Tribal Members shall provide the Enrollment Coordinator with a sufficient number of copies of the material to be distributed, in sealed envelopes, with first-class postage affixed, and bearing the return address of the Tribal Member.
(2) The Enrollment Coordinator shall affix to the envelope of each Political Mailing, a stamp or statement communicating that the contents of the Mailing are a Tribal Political Mailing, that the Mailing is the sole opinion of the Political Mailing Author, and that the Tribes takes no responsibility nor opinion on the statements within the Mailing, including the accuracy of its content.
(3) The Enrollment Coordinator shall affix mailing labels bearing the names and last known addresses of all Tribal Members age eighteen (18) or older and meeting all other requirements for Tribal voting rights that have not submitted to the Tribe a current request to “opt out” of receiving Tribal Mailings to the provided, sealed and stamped envelopes. The Tribes shall make reasonable efforts to transcribe the proper mailing address for each Tribal Mailing recipient, but will not be responsible for the accuracy or validity of any mailing address affixed to a Political Mailing.
(4) The Enrollment Coordinator shall then place the envelopes directly into the U.S. mail.
(5) A Tribal Member shall be limited to six (6) requests for mailings per calendar year. (6) Except for postage, the cost of the first requested mailing will be borne by the Tribes. The cost of any subsequent request within the year shall be borne by the Tribal Member. The cost shall include indirect and direct cost as determined by the Chief Executive Officer.
***Original post date: 01/01/2022***
- Published in Public Notices, Tribal Event, Tribal News