Notice of Special Election to be held 12/19/21
NOTICE – SPECIAL ELECTION – December 19, 2021
To Officially Vote on Council Compensation
Article V of the Tribes Constitution gives certain authority to the General Council (Tribal Members). One such area states the General Membership have the authority to: Article V –Section 1 General Council. (b) Elect tribal council members and approve or disapprove any salary wages paid for performance of tribal council duties.
On Sunday November 14, 2021 the Tribal Council passed a resolution calling the Election Board to meet; Tribal Code Chapter 7-3-2(e)(3) The Tribal Council may request the Election Board to meet at any time, with reasonable notice. The Council requests the Election Board to facilitate a Special Election to be held for Council Compensation; Tribal Code Chapter 7-3-25 (5) Ballots for initiatives, referenda and issues requiring General Council approval shall contain a statement of what the voter is deciding and shall be worded in such a manner that clearly allows for a choice of a “yes” or a “no” vote only. No misleading statements whatsoever will be accepted.
The Election Board met on November 17, 2021 and set the date for the Special Election.
Sunday December 19, 2021. The ballots will be mailed to every registered voter on November 30, 2021 to the last known address we have on file. The Administration will prepare and mail all the ballots, return envelopes and secrecy envelopes from the Coos Bay Government office. The ballot mailing process will be verified by Mark Petrie Election Board Chair and Andrew Brainard, Election Board Vice Chair. When you vote and return your ballots, they will go to an independent third party, then the third party will supervise in tabulation and certify votes with the Election Board members on Election Day.
In person polling location will be at the Tribal Hall, 338 Wallace Ave, Coos Bay Oregon 97420 during the hours of 12:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. You may register and vote in person on that day, if you are not registered. (Social distancing procedures will be conducted per current CDC guidelines.) For more information about voting, registration or any election questions contact Jeannie McNeil @ or (541) 888-7506.
Tribal Code Chapter 7-3-22 Public Notice of Upcoming Elections
(b) The Election Board shall post at the Tribes’ Administrative Building, Tribal Hall, Outreach Offices, on the Tribes’ website and in the office of the Gaming Commission a notice of an upcoming Special Election, as soon as practicable after the setting of a Special Election, and in no event later than fifteen (15) days before the scheduled election. If practicable, the Election Board shall publish a notice of an upcoming Special Election in the Tribal Newsletter in advance of the Special Election.
For a complete Election Code please see Tribal Code, Ch 7-3 Elections. Contact me with any questions. Jeannie McNeil, Election Clerk 541-888-7506
- Published in Public Notices, Tribal News
Enrollment Posting December 2021
According to CLUSITC 7-1-36(i), this information will be posted in the Administrative Building, Tribal Hall, Outreach Offices, on the Tribes’ website and at Three Rivers Casino for twenty-eight (28) days from the date listed above.
In accordance with CLUSITC 7-1-37(a), Tribal Members shall have the right to protest the recommendation of the Committee approving an application and must file a written, signed protest with the Committee stating their reasons for believing that an Applicant(s) is not entitled to enrollment. The protest must be filed with the Committee within twenty-eight (28) days after notice of the proposed enrollment is posted as described in CLUSITC 7-1-36(i).
- Published in Public Notices, Tribal News
PRC 2022 Application for Health Care Services
The Purchased and Referred Care department is now accepting applications for the Purchased/Referred Care (PRC) program for FY2022. You must submit a new application each year for each PRC-eligible Tribal member in your household.
This year, the deadline for applications is Monday, January 31, 2022.
You can apply online at You will see a link at the bottom of the home page that will take you to the online form (or look under Member Services, Purchased and Referred Care). Please be sure to upload the front and back of your insurance card to ensure we have the most current information
You must complete a separate form for each PRC-eligible family member.
Please call PRC at (541) 888-4873 or (800) 227-0392 to have a hard-copy application mailed to you or with any questions.
- Published in Public Notices, Tribal News
American Rescue Plan Act General Welfare Assistance for Tribal Members
*** The ARPA Assistance Application period has closed as of 12/1/21. Please contact the main Tribal Government Office with any inquiries at 541-888-9577. This post was updated on 12/2/21. ***
October 19, 2021
Dear Tribal Member,
Tribal Council has made the decision to utilize American Rescue Plan funds to provide cash assistance to eligible Tribal Member households to address negative economic impacts caused by the COVID -19 pandemic during the period of March 3, 2021 through December 31, 2021. The amount of assistance for 2021 is based on Tribal Council’s assessment of the severity of actual and reasonably anticipated COVID-19 economic impacts upon our Tribal Member population during this time period. Please note that this assistance must only be used to address these specific impacts.
Beginning October 19, 2021, each eligible enrolled adult member and enrolled minor child will be able to submit an application to receive this assistance. Deadline for submission of a complete application is November 30, 2021.
To be eligible to receive this assistance payment:
- You must be an Enrolled CTCLUSI member as of October 17, 2021 OR you must have a completed Enrollment Application approved by the Enrollment Committee by November 9, 2021.
- You must have an approved Tribal Member Emergency COVID -19 General Welfare Assistance American Rescue Plan (ARPA) application on file.
- You or your household experience negative impacts from the COVID -19 Pandemic in an amount not less than the assistance amount.
If you have any questions, please contact ENROLLMENT by email at for further instruction.
- Applications must be submitted and approved by December 1, 2021.
- Published in Public Notices, Tribal News
Fall Harvest Household Kits
***Harvest Household kits are no longer available as of 11/24/21
Because COVID-19 is still limiting our ability to gather together, the Tribe would like to offer Fall Harvest Household Kits for interested Tribal families in lieu of the Fall Harvest Party. Fall Harvest Household Kits are limited, so they will be available on a first come first served basis while supplies last.
These kits are sponsored in part by Youth Suicide Prevention, and Tobacco Prevention Grants. Thank you Family Services for providing these funds and making these kits possible.
- Published in Public Notices, Tribal Event, Tribal News
Tribal Member Input Needed for Tribal Hall Kitchen Remodel/Upgrade
Historic Tribal Hall has funds approved for a full kitchen remodel and upgrade. Tribal Member Input Requested. The deadline for any submission is Oct 9, 2021.
This project will include: New cabinetry, Countertops, Appliances, Fixtures, Flooring. Tribal Council has directed that membership be allowed the opportunity to provide input for any specific needs for consideration in the planning for this project. Please submit any suggestions, comments or concerns by clicking the button at the top of this post.
The deadline for any submission is Oct 9, 2021.
Tribal Council will approve final plans at the Sunday October 10, 2021 Regular Council Meeting.
***The images below are examples of the Tribal Hall Kitchen Remodel. No design has been finalized or approved as of this time.***
- Published in Public Notices, Tribal Event, Tribal News
Covid-19 Vaccine Application/Booster Dose
Who Needs an Additional COVID-19 Vaccine?
Currently, CDC is recommending that moderately to severely immunocompromised people receive an additional dose. This includes people who have:
- Been receiving active cancer treatment for tumors or cancers of the blood
- Received an organ transplant and are taking medicine to suppress the immune system
- Received a stem cell transplant within the last 2 years or are taking medicine to suppress the immune system
- Moderate or severe primary immunodeficiency (such as DiGeorge syndrome, Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome)
- Advanced or untreated HIV infection
- Active treatment with high-dose corticosteroids or other drugs that may suppress your immune response
People should talk to their healthcare provider about their medical condition, and whether getting an additional dose is appropriate for them.
- Published in Public Notices, Tribal Event, Tribal News
Flu Vaccine Application
Flu Vaccines are available. Please fill out the Flu Vaccine Application form to schedule an appointment.
Getting a flu vaccine this fall can reduce your risk of getting flu and help save scarce medical resources needed to care for people with COVID-19. It’s important for everyone to do their part to stay healthy this flu season. Prevent the spread of flu and other respiratory illnesses:
Mask Up: Cover your nose and mouth with a mask when out in public.
Lather Up: Wash your hands frequently with soap and water.
Sleeve Up: Roll up your sleeve to get a flue shot.
- Published in Public Notices, Tribal Event, Tribal News
Tribal Forest Closures (open update 9/20/21)
Effective immediately, the Tribe will be instituting a closure of the Tribal Forest for all areas where the Industrial Fire Precaution Level (IFPL) is at Level II or higher. This closure is necessary to protect the Tribal Forest from the risk of loss due to wildfire.
IFPL’s are updated throughout fire season by the Oregon Department of Forestry (ODF) and the Coos Fire Protection Association (CFPA), which are responsible for protecting the Tribal Forest from wildfire. ODF and CFPA monitor fuel moisture levels as well as weather trends throughout fire season, and adjust the IFPL’s accordingly.
Note that after the recent rain event, all seven of the Tribal Forest tracts are currently at IFPL I. This means that all areas of the Tribal Forest are currently open. The table below shows the current IFPL and closure status for each tract on the Tribal Forest.
Tribal Forest Area | Fire Protection Zone | Current IFPL as of 9/20/2021 | Current Closure Status as of 9/20/2021 |
Lake Tract | WT-1 | IFPL I | Open |
Smith Tract | WT-1 | IFPL I | Open |
Tioga Tract | CS-2 | IFPL I | Open |
Macy Tract | CS-1 | IFPL I | Open |
Umpqua Eden | CS-1 | IFPL I | Open |
Coos Head | CS-1 | IFPL I | Open |
Talbot Tract | CS-1 | IFPL I | Open |
Please see the attached closure notice for more details on this closure, as well as information on how to obtain the current IFPL for specific areas on the Tribal Forest. Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
Thank you,
Colin Beck, Forest Lands Manager
- Published in Public Notices, Tribal Event, Tribal News
Enrollment Posting June 2021
The Enrollment Committee recommends that the enrollment of the Applicants listed below should be approved. Besides publication in the Tribal Newsletter, according to CLUSITC 7-1-36(i), this information will be posted in the Administrative Building, Tribal Hall, Outreach Offices, on the Tribes’ website and at Three Rivers Casino for twenty-eight (28) days from the date listed above.
In accordance with CLUSITC 7-1-37(a), Tribal Members shall have the right to protest the recommendation of the Committee approving an application and must file a written, signed protest with the Committee stating their reasons for believing that an Applicant(s) is not entitled to enrollment. The protest must be filed with the Committee within twenty-eight (28) days after notice of the proposed enrollment is posted as described in CLUSITC 7-1-36(i).
- Published in Public Notices