CTCLUSI Makes Historic Agreement with ODFW
Affirms Rights of Members to Hunt, Fish, Trap and Gather Under Tribal Licenses
CTCLUSI Tribal Government, Coos Bay, Ore.-
On Friday, June 16, the Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission at its meeting in Newport unanimously approved a co-management agreement with the Tribes that provides for Tribal management of hunting, fishing, trapping, and gathering under tribal regulations. Chairman Brad Kneaper and Ramil Beers provided testimony in support of the agreement explaining the significance of hunting, fishing, trapping, and gathering to the Tribes and the importance of the agreement.
The Agreement calls for annual meetings between Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife staff and representatives from the Tribes to discuss opportunities for cooperation on fish and wildlife projects, as well as discussing specific harvest issues. The Agreement covers the Tribes’ five county service area. The Agreement recognizes that regulations for subsistence and ceremonial harvest of fish and wildlife resources, including the issuance of tags, seasons, and equipment will be specifically set by the
“I grew up in a hunting and fishing family and have memories of going out with my grandfather, said Chairman Kneaper during the meeting. “Being able to do that under the umbrella of Tribal responsibility is extremely important to me and I know it’s the same for other members, too.”
Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission Meeting June 16, 2023 Photos by Bob Swingle, ODFW

Chairman Kneaper, alongside CTCLUSI Counsel Rick Eichstaedt, and ODFW Davia Palmeria made a presentation and statements starting at 0:49 seconds into the start of the video. Chairman Kneaper gives his statement beginning at the 2:24 mark.
Siuslaw Tribal member Ramil Beers (as seen on the cover page image) made an address beginning at the 33:08 and ending at the 35:36 mark of the recording.
- Published in Public Notices, Tribal Event, Tribal News