FOR Three Separate Positions (6 Month Contract)
Consulting Specialist – Early Learning through Remote LearningConsulting Specialist Learning to Build Out Head Start Program
Lead Consultant Specialist for Implementation of the OTELA GrantCONFEDERATED TRIBES OF COOS, LOWER UMPQUA & SIUSLAW INDIANS
Due Date: extended to July 20, 2023 5 p.m.The Request bidding documents are available at and/or
Reference Quest Number(s) 8576673, 8578495, or 8578497.To be considered a plan holder, register with for a free Regular membership and download the documents for a cost of $5.00.
Downloading the documents and becoming a plan holder is recommended as plan holder’s receive automatic notice of addenda, other contract document updates and access to vBid, online bidding via QuestCDN. Interested parties my view the bidding documents at no cost prior to deciding to become a plan holder. Contact QuestCDN Customer Support at 952-233-1632 or for assistance in membership registration, downloading digital bidding documents and vBid questions.To access the electronic bid form, download the bidding documents and click the ‘Online Bid’ button or Online Bidding ‘Available’ button on the bid posting page.
After the bid close, bidders will be charged a fee of $15.00 for successful bid submissionBids will ONLY be received and accepted through vBid via