Notice of Code Amendment
Chapter 1-3 Tribal Police
The Tribal Council wishes to amend the CLUSITC Chapter 1-3 Tribal Police to remove the position of Chief Law Enforcement Officer and all duties related to this position. Chief of Police and Tribal Police Officers will be the only positions outlined in this Code.
The notice of the proposed amendment/ creation of Code/Ordinance shall be published in the Tribal Newsletter and the text will be posted for public comment for twenty-eight (28) days in the Administration Building, Tribal Hall, Outreach Offices, on the Tribes’ website and at Three Rivers Casino (Office of the Gaming Commission). Written comments should be sent to the Tribal Council in care of Jeannie McNeil, CTCLUSI, 1245 Fulton Avenue, Coos Bay OR 97420 or email:
- Published in Public Notices, Tribal Event
Notice of Code Amendment
Chapter 7-1 Enrollment
The Tribal Council wishes to amend CLUSITC Chapter 7-1 (Enrollment) at Section 7-1-
143 to provide for changes and corrections to the Roll to recognize changes in the
gender identity of tribal members;
The notice of the proposed amendment/ creation of Code/Ordinance shall be published in the Tribal Newsletter and the text will be posted for public comment for twenty-eight (28) days in the Administration Building, Tribal Hall, Outreach Offices, on the Tribes’ website and at Three Rivers Casino (Office of the Gaming Commission). Written comments should be sent to the Tribal Council in care of Jeannie McNeil, CTCLUSI, 1245 Fulton Avenue, Coos Bay OR 97420 or email:
- Published in Public Notices, Tribal Event
Language Needs Assessment Survey
This Tribal language need assessment is based on 2nd (Tribal) language acquisition, supporting the language revitalization of Miluk, Hanis, Sha’yuushtl’a uhl Quuiich, and Chinook Jargon. The intent of this survey is to capture language change, growth, attitudes, emerging new speakers, ways people are using the language, ways the language program can assist and to define the educational needs, materials, and goals of the language community. This survey has broad questions and each response will count towards developing goals. In 5 years, the same or a similar survey will be disseminated to measure language change and growth. This is a voluntary survey and the collective results will be reported however your personal information will remain confidential.
Fill out the survey by clicking the link below. Thank you for your participation
- Published in Public Notices, Tribal News
COVID-19 Vaccine Clinics and Resources
Check here for a list of resources and clinic links available.
***Originally published 4/20/21.
CTCLUSI has ended our independent first-time dose clinics. Our second dose (booster) clinics will be complete in May, 2021. CTCLUSI has been closely working with Local Public Health here in Coos County to ensure that our community stays safe, informed and protected. CTCLUSI has played a small role in helping our Local Health Partners with vaccine clinics, and will continue to do so. Please keep an eye on the resources that are provided for updates.
Recently local pharmacies have taken on an important role of vaccinating our Communities as well. Coos Health and Wellness, Bay Area Hospital, Coquille Valley Hospital, Southern Coos Hospital, and the Coastal Community Center have all held large vaccine events and recently have had difficulties filling their clinics, even when opening it up to everyone to prevent wasted vaccine at the end of a clinic day. Partnering with our local partners also allows for our CTCLUSI staff to have more time to provide services for our Tribal members and community.

- CTCLUSI and Coos Health and Wellness are partnering to get Pfizer into Coos County.
- Pfizer is approved for individuals 16 years of age and older.
- Keep an eye out for updates on this CTCLUSI website.
- Tribal Members:
- Please make sure that you answer your phone for auto-dialer message for information about future clinics. If you don’t have Voice-Mail set up, please do so, so you don’t miss this important message.
- We will do our best to send out Post-Card updates once we have more information, and as time permits. Once we receive Pfizer, CHW will have a two-week span of time to use it.
- Tribal Members:
- Coos Health and Wellness
- Facebook Coos Health & Wellness updates:
- CHW has been posting information about other LPH community Vaccination events like Bandon Community Center, Bay area Hospital Vaccine Clinics, and more.
- COVID-19 Vaccine Information
- Pharmacies Vaccine availability/sign ups
- Safeway
- Bi-Mart
- Walmart
- Walgreens
- Rite Aid
- Pharmacies Vaccine availability/sign ups
- Facebook Coos Health & Wellness updates:

- Oregon Home Care Commission: COVID-19 Vaccine Clinics and Resources. Vaccine Clinics and Information by County
- Facebook link to receive updates about vaccine clinics and resources
***Update 5/11/21
How to get your COVID-19 Vaccine.
- Check with your local pharmacy to see if they are participating in the administration of a COVID-19 vaccine.
- Here are some links to information about the COVID-19 vaccine, and how to sign up for a vaccination by county/area: Coos, Curry, Lincoln, Lane and Douglas.
Coos County:
Book appointment:
Lane County:
COVID-19 vaccine page:
Schedule a vaccine appointment:
Lincoln County:
Vaccination Schedule:
Douglas County:
Curry County:
Vaccine Infromation:
Sign up for a vaccine:
- Published in Public Notices, Tribal News
CTCLUSI Receive EPA approval to administer Clean Water Act programs on reservation and trust lands
Contact: Mark MacIntyre/EPA – Seattle 206-553-7302/
Confederated Tribes of Coos, Lower Umpqua, and Siuslaw Indians receive EPA approval to administer Clean Water Act programs on reservation and trust lands
Seattle (May 3, 2021) The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has approved the request by the Confederated Tribes of Coos, Lower Umpqua, and Siuslaw Indians to assume responsibilities of the Clean Water Act’s water quality standards and certification programs on reservation and trust lands.
With this approval, the CTCLUSI will assume authority over all surface waters within the Reservation and trust Lands. Trust lands include lands located outside of the reservation that are held in trust by the United States for the CTCLUSI. The CTCLUSI reservation and trust lands collectively cover almost 15,000 acres of southwest Oregon.
According to Dan Opalski, Director of EPA’s Water Division in Seattle:
“We are pleased to approve the Confederated Tribes of Coos, Lower Umpqua, & Siuslaw Indians’ request for Treatment in a Similar Manner as a State. We support their efforts to protect water quality and celebrate this enhancement of our partnership in implementing the Clean Water Act. We look forward to our continued work with the tribes to protect vital resources now and for future generations.”
According to the CTCLUSI tribal Council:
“This Treatment in a Similar Manner as State recognition is an important acknowledgment of tribal sovereignty by the EPA. We are very pleased with this determination. Water is Life! Water is and always has been an important resource for the Confederated Tribes of Coos, Lower Umpqua, & Siuslaw Indians and we are excited that we can now manage the tribe’s waters more directly.”
The CTCLUSI applied to EPA for “Treatment in a Similar Manner to a State” (TAS) for the Clean Water Act section 303(c) water quality standards and the section 401 water quality certification programs on December 17, 2019, and supplemented the application on June 12, 2020.
Specifically, this approval will enable the CTCLUSI to set water quality goals and standards – the regulatory and scientific foundation for protecting water quality – for all water bodies within the CTCLUSI reservation and trust Lands. EPA’s approval does not alter or modify water quality standards outside of the CTCLUSI reservation and trust Lands.
Today’s approval authorizes the CTCLUSI to develop water quality standards for all surface waters within the CTCLUSI reservation and trust Lands and to ensure that CWA-permitted discharges will meet all applicable water quality standards for reservation waters after those standards are reviewed and approved by EPA. The CTCLUSI have previously been granted TAS status for other Clean Water Act sections: section 106 – Water Pollution Protection and section 319 – Nonpoint Source programs, in 2002 and 2003, respectively.
Several federal environmental laws, including the Clean Water Act, authorize EPA to treat eligible federally recognized Indian tribes in a similar manner as a state for implementing and managing certain environmental programs. The basic requirements for applying for TAS are that the tribe must be federally recognized; have a governing body to carry out substantial governmental duties and powers; have the appropriate authority; and be capable of administering the functions of the program.
EPA’s approval of the CTCLUSI’s application does not constitute an approval (nor disapproval) of the tribes’ water quality standards. Any water quality standards adopted by a tribe and submitted to EPA for action must satisfy all Clean Water Act and other regulatory requirements, including public participation to ensure an appropriate opportunity for any interested entities to provide input on the proposed water quality standards.
# # #
Mark A. MacIntyre
Senior Public Information Officer
U.S. EPA Region 10
1200 Sixth Ave. Suite 155 MS – 12-D-12
Seattle, WA 98101
Desk: 206.553.7302
Mobile: 206.369.7999
- Published in Public Notices, Tribal News
Tribal Scholarship Applications
Deadline to Apply is May 23, 2021 by 11:59 p.m. PST
The Confederated Tribes’ Education Department is doing everything we can to ensure students have an easier time paying for their education, but we are not the only ones who are thinking of you. The Education Committee works very hard to organize and ensure the availability of our tribal scholarships. These scholarship donations come from many different areas in the community and within the tribe.
The Pepsi Scholarship is a privately funded scholarship. Applicants should look into explaining their role of community service in the tribes.
The Mitsis Scholarship is exclusively funded by the Education Committee. Applicants should write about how our tribal history or knowledge has changed their life in some way.
The last scholarship we offer is the Elders Scholarship, funded by private tribal donations as well as our own tribal elders. Applicants should look into writing about their experience with an elder’s teachings and how it has changed their life.
All of these scholarships are annually awarded and funded. Only CTCLUSI Higher Education Students are awarded these scholarships. We encourage you to apply for all of them!
*original post date: April 7, 2021. Reposted May 4, 2021.
- Published in Public Notices, Tribal Event, Tribal News
Pfizer Shot Clinic (Complete)
This Shot Clinic has passed and is no longer available.
Age’s 16 and older, Saturday, May 8, 2021
Location: Coos Bay Fire Department. Drive thru clinic starting point: 350 S. Fifth Street, Coos Bay, OR 97420
Need help making an appointment? Contact Kristy Petrie, CTCLUSI’s Community Health Nurse at (541) 888-7521
CTCLUSI is working with CHW to get Pfizer to our community.
***updated 5/11/21

- Published in Public Notices, Tribal News
Hollering Project Delayed, Tribe and City Committed to Working Together on Development of the Area
April 13, 2021
For Immediate Release
Coos Bay, Oregon — The Confederated Tribes of Coos, Lower Umpqua and Siuslaw Indians (“Tribe”) and the City of Coos Bay through the Coos Bay Urban Renewal Agency (“URA”) announced that the Tribe’s development of a cultural center at the Hollering Place, located on the corner of Newmark Avenue and Empire Boulevard, is on indefinite hold. Economic impacts associated with the COVID crisis has significantly impacted the ability of the Tribe to proceed with development of the property.
Development of the Hollering Place, including the transfer of property from the URA to the Tribe, was agreed to by the URA and Tribe in a development agreement and called for a joint approach for the development of two parcels of property. In October, the Coos Bay Planning Commission approved land use plans a proposed the Hollering Place Cultural Center, which would be home to historical and cultural exhibits and serve as a place to share Tribal culture.
As part of the development agreement, the Tribe agreed to construct a new seawall to protect the lower bluff property from erosion in exchange for transfer of the upper lot. Construction of the sea wall was completed by the Tribe last year. On June 20, the deed to the upper bluff parcel was signed over to the Tribe.
In recent discussions, the Tribe and the URA agreed that the Tribe would retain ownership of the upper bluff parcels and explore options for development in the future. Lower lot ownership will remain with the URA and it is expected that the URA will explore other development options in the months ahead. The parties remain committed to working together for positive economic development in the area and across the region.
For further information, contact Rodger Craddock, City Manager, City of Coos Bay at 541-269-8912 and Sharol McDade, Chief Executive Officer, Confederated Tribes of Coos, Lower Umpqua and Siuslaw Indians, at 541-888-7527.

- Published in Public Notices, Tribal News
Covid-19 Moderna Vaccine (Applications Now Closed)
***As of April 19, 2021 CTCLUSI is no longer taking applications for the Moderna Vaccine. Please check back for more information and resources on Covid 19 vaccines as we continue working with public health and assisting our Tribal members, families, and the community.***
The COVID-19 Moderna Vaccine was approved for Emergency use Authorization (EUA) for ages 18 and older. This means that we will be getting the Moderna Vaccine. Please take a few minutes to fill out this short application. The purpose of this application is so that the CTCLUSI Health Department can gather data on who would like the COVID-19 vaccine. This data will be used to set up appointment times, and keep those who want the vaccine informed.
Disclaimer: CTCLUSI is getting a very limited supply of the COVID-19 vaccines for the first distribution, yet expect to receive more vaccines when available. The second distribution of vaccines is unknown. It is our goal to make sure that everyone that wants the vaccine has the opportunity to receive it. There are 10 doses of vaccine in each vial, and once a vial is punctured it is only is good for 6 hours, it will then be disposed of if not used. Due to this, having a list of names and contact numbers will help to prevent the waste of the vaccine if someone is unable to receive it. The vaccine is a two dose vaccine, the second dose is 28 days apart from the first dose.
***Disclaimer: Consent form must be filled out and dated for the day the vaccine is available and administered. Forms are available at the vaccine site to fill out. (updated 1/12/21)
***Update: The Covid-19 Moderna vaccination is now open and available to all staff and spouses. If you are interested, please complete the Covid-19 Moderna Vaccine Application. (updated 2/3/21).
***Update: The Covid-19 Moderna Vaccination is now open and available to CTCLUSI employee’s over 65 and older or high risk medical extended family. Please complete the Covid-19 Moderna Vaccine Application. (updated 2/24/21).
***Update: The Covid-19 Moderna Vaccination is now open to extended family of CTCLUSI Tribal members, community Elders, Teachers, first responders and essential workers. (updated 3/23/21)
- Published in Public Notices, Tribal News
Enrollment Posting March 2021
The Enrollment Committee recommends that the enrollment of the Applicants listed below should be approved. Besides publication in the Tribal Newsletter, according to CLUSITC 7-1-36(i), this information will be posted in the Administrative Building, Tribal Hall, Outreach Offices, on the Tribes’ website and at Three Rivers Casino for twenty-eight (28) days from the date listed above.
In accordance with CLUSITC 7-1-37(a), Tribal Members shall have the right to protest the recommendation of the Committee approving an application and must file a written, signed protest with the Committee stating their reasons for believing that an Applicant(s) is not entitled to enrollment. The protest must be filed with the Committee within twenty-eight (28) days after notice of the proposed enrollment is posted as described in CLUSITC 7-1-36(i).
- Published in Public Notices