***This program is now open to ALL Enrolled Tribal members on a first come, first served basis. (updated 2/24/21)***
The Housing Department is ordering Chrome Books for Tribal Enrolled Students ages 5-18, and Elders ages 55 +. ***This program is now open for applications from Tribally enrolled Higher Education Students (updated 1/12/21)***
If you meet, these criteria and you have a need for one of these devices to assist you in Distance Learning, or Telehealth / Distancing communications; Please fill out a request form.
Please know inventory will be limited, Pick up times and dates will be scheduled with social distancing measures. Pick up is encouraged and sites will be at all three Government offices, Coos Bay, Florence, and Eugene. ***Anticipated delivery time for these items is estimated to be in March (updated 1/12/21)***
If you have, any questions please contact Laura Forting, Director of Housing or Josh Davies, Director of Education.
***originally published 10/23/20, updates made 1/12/21 and 2/24/21***