The CTCLUSI Enrollment Department will now be managing the application process for this Elders benefit. The current funding for each Tribal Elder at age 65 and beyond is $500.00 per month. Tribal Code Chapter 5-10 defines this program in two categories. One way is as an Elders Pension, another way its defined as Supplemental Security Income Program.
Due to the requirements of Tribal Code Chapter 5-10 Tribal Elders Pension and Tribal Elders Supplemental Security Income Program we are sending an application for you to complete and return.
Enrolled members who turn 65 years of age, can begin to receive this benefit the first month following their 65th birthday.
Once you complete your application, your checks will be mailed to the address you provide. There is an option for direct deposit, we ask that you reach out to the Finance Department for this process.
Thank you in advance for your assistance in this new application process. Please let me know if you have any questions.