The Tribal Council shall consist of a Tribal Chief, elected by the general council for a term of 10 years and six (6) members elected by the general council to terms of office of four (4) years each. The Council shall elect a Chair and Vice-Chair from within its membership. The Tribal chief is a voting member of the council. The Tribal Council shall have the authority to exercise all legislative and executive authority of the Tribes, except that specifically vested in the general council by the constitution.

No Soliciting.

Please do not send unsolicited communications, such as offers to sell goods or services, religious appeals etc. Thank you for being considerate of our time.


Tribal Council

Tribal Council Contact Information You may e-mail Tribal Council members individually at the e-mail addresses listed below or you can send an e-mail to all members of Tribal Council by e-mailing the Executive Administrative Assistant to CEO Lee Ann Wander & Tribal Council - Meagan Davenport at

Chief, Doug Barrett

Chief Term of Office: February 2024 - April 2030
1245 Fulton Avenue, Coos Bay, OR 97420

Julie Siestreem

Position 3 Term of Office: April 2023 - April 2027
1245 Fulton Avenue, Coos Bay, OR 97420

VACANT as of 2/25/25

Position 1 Term of Office: April 2023 - April 2027

1245 Fulton Avenue, Coos Bay, OR 97420

Chair, Brad Kneaper

Position 2 Term of Office: April 2022 - April 2026
1245 Fulton Avenue, Coos Bay, OR 97420

Iliana Montiel

Position 5 Term of Office: April 2023 - April 2027
1245 Fulton Avenue, Coos Bay, OR 97420

Vice Chair, Teresa Spangler

Position 4 Term of Office: April 2022 - April 2026
1245 Fulton Avenue, Coos Bay, OR 97420

Debbie Bossley

Position 6 Term of Office: February 2024 - April 2026
1245 Fulton Avenue, Coos Bay, OR 97420



2020 - Term of Office: April 12, 2020 - April 14, 2030

    • Chief - Doug Barrett

2023 - Term of Office: April 9, 2023 - April 11, 2027

    • Position 1 - VACANT
    • Position 3 - Julie Siestreem 
    • Position 5 - Iliana Montiel

2026Term of Office: April 10, 2022 - April 16, 2026

    • Position 2 - Brad Kneaper (Chair)
    • Position 4 - Teresa Spangler (Vice Chair)
    • Position 6 - Debbie Bossley

Tribal Members login for more information on your Tribal Council Elections, Meetings, and to view Council meeting videos.