Working to support effective integration of Tribal culture into all tribal operations in a manner that helps our Tribal members understand our rich Tribal heritage, and supports efforts to recognize the cultural knowledge that our ancestors and our environment have provided to help our peoples thrive in our traditional lands for thousands of years.

Incorporating the arts, heritage, humanities, and culture

We strive to identify barriers to public cultural awareness and education and cultural expression and remove as many financial, physical, and culturally perceived roadblocks as possible in order for arts, humanities, heritage, and culture to flourish and grow in our communities.

The department is also directed to help build cohesion and a common sense of pride among our Tribal members, and ensure that our members and the world know the true story of our peoples.

The Culture Department's planning incorporates the arts, heritage, humanities, and culture that adequately represent the composition of our Tribes unique cultural interests in our ancestral homeland.

Tribal Citizens can login for more information 

Canoe Culture

The Confederated Tribes of Coos, Lower Umpqua & Siuslaw Indians

Click the links below to expand and watch some of our videos on culture


Jesse Beers

Cultural Stewardship Manager

541-997-6685 (Main)
1245 Fulton Avenue, Coos Bay, OR 97420

Alycia Cossey

Cultural Stewardship Associate

541-294-1237 (Cell)
1245 Fulton Avenue Coos Bay, OR 97420

Ashley Russell

Interim Director/ Assistant Director

541-888-7511 (Main)
1245 Fulton Avenue, Coos Bay, OR 97420

Patricia Whereat Phillips

Tribal Linguist

707-812-0705 (Main)

Courtney Krossman

Tribal Historic Preservation Officer (THPO)

541-888-9577 ex 7547 (Main)
1245 Fulton Avenue, Coos Bay, OR 97420

Nicole Romine

Tobacco Prevention Program Assistant

541-294-9341 (Cell)
1245 Fulton Avenue Coos Bay, OR 97420