Forest Planning Advisory Committee The Forest Planning Advisory Committee (Committee) was established by Tribal Resolution in accordance with the Tribal Code of the Confederated Tribes of Coos, Lower Umpqua and Siuslaw Indians (CTCLUSI), and will serve initially as an “Ad-Hoc Committee” as defined in Title 7-5-2(e). The Committee will oversee the development of the Forest Management Plan (FMP) for those lands held in trust by the Federal Government, with a focus on the 14,742 acres of forested lands conveyed under the passage of the Western Oregon Tribal Fairness Act of 2018. Indian forested lands requires an approved FMP prior to the authorization of activities or expenditure of funds for forest management activities.
Role and Responsibilities The Ad-Hoc Committee will oversee the development of the FMP. The Committee will ensure the FMP addresses the needs and desires of the CTCLUSI membership, bring strategic advice, unique knowledge, provide independent feedback and recommendations, and serve as a sounding board during the development of the FMP. The Committee will serve as an intermediary between the tribal public and Tribal Council ensuring effective planning and strengthening of the FMP. Committee members will be asked to review the draft FMP during the various stages of development. Committee members include: George Barton, Jesse Beers, Greg Norton, Joe Swigert, Howard Roy, Sophia Cisneros, Sam Sprague, and Ashley Russell.